Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Silly Kid Conversations

Connor has lost both bottom front teeth & now has a loose top front tooth. So, his dad had some advice for him:

Connor's Dad: Connor, you should try not to wiggle that top loose tooth. If you loose them all at once, you won't be able to talk very well!
Connor: Don't worry Dad. I still remember how to talk with eyebrows. (Then he proceeds to show us "yes" "no/angry glare" and "Huh?" using only eyebrows.)
Dad (laughing): Oh good! Do you remember any sign language?
Connor: Just this one (demonstrates "more"...but not the actual way, the way our baby friend Emma does it.)
Me: I guess you could pretty much get by then!

Just this last weekend we were all in the car traveling for a while. About 10 minutes from home:

Ashlyn (yelling): I'm trapped! I'M. TRAAAAAAPPED!
Me (turning around in the passenger seat): What's wrong?
Ashlyn (in her best mad voice): YOU put me in this buckle, and I am trapped!!! I can't get out or move anywhere!
Me: Right. Its called a seat belt. That's how you ride safely in a car. You can't take it off.
Me (to no one in particular): Oh, good times...


  1. Wow, the tooth fairy has been making several trips to your house...very cool!

    I LOVE the story about Ashlyn. I can totally hear you saying, "Good times!" I just love it!!!

    Miss you!!!

  2. Both of these stories kill me!!! So funny! (esp since I wasn't the one in the car w/ the yelling child)
