Thursday, January 2, 2014

Very First Santa Meeting. Ever.

If you can believe it, this was the Cunningham's VERY FIRST trip to sit with Santa. In previous years the children have been less than thrilled about getting too close to the big jolly fella. We have waved to him from maybe 1000 feet, we have whispered (and yelled once) our wishes...also from 1000 feet, we have even waved to him in parades, but not too interested in the up close and personal type of visit. However, this year the kids said they actually WANTED to go. Well, then. We. Shall. Go. However, once it was our turn we had a few change of hearts. Ashlyn, in particular, would not get near without her mom, and Connor didn't really want to stand THAT close (but he did, such a brave little guy). Kaia later proclaimed over and over, "I was the bravest on Santa's lap!" (That didn't go over too well with her siblings, little stinker). Connor even whispered to Santa that we would be at Grandma's for Christmas. Santa, of course, said he already knew! Connor couldn't believe it. Amazing. And would you know it...Santa figured out right where Grandma lives and delivered all the special gifts just like the kids asked.

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