Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How old are you?

Just before his birthday in June, we taught Connor how old he was going to be. Since that time he will proudly answer that question with, "I'm TWO!" (although we are still working on getting only two fingers sticking up...that part is a bit tricky). Now that Connor is such a big boy, we are slowly (but surely) trying to talk him out of his binky (that's a pacifier for the non-parents & Grandpa Frank) by reminding him that binkies are for babies & he is now a big boy. Last weekend his grandma stayed with us and noticed that Connor still had his binky in his mouth long after he woke up. Trying to help out, she said something along the lines of, "Connor-what is that in your mouth? Is that a binky? You don't need that anymore, now that you are a big TWO year old! Those are for babies. You are a big boy now. Connor, how old are you?"
Connor's reply, "One."


  1. Good luck! It will be stressful for a few days and you will want to give in and give it back, but stay strong. You (and Connor) can do it!

    Call me if you need to destress and have an adult drink! :) I know it helped me.
