Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Camping: The Case of the Missing Sponge

The Cunninghams took off last weekend for for an adventure in the wilderness. Just to keep the excitement alive, we packed Connor's old favorite PJ's...fleece with moose. He loved them so much, we had to just put his sandals on right over the footsies, so he could wear them all morning long. Of course, now that we are back home and it is 80+ degrees, we have retired the the Pj's to the closet. The weather does not phase Connor though, he still requests them each night. *Sigh*
Just like last year, Connor loved it all!! He loved the dirt, the dogs, riding his trike on the trails, boating, and even swimming. However, I think his very favorite activity was playing in the dish water tub with some sponges. When we went to pack up, the sponges were no where to be found. Oh well, no big loss. Then as we were unpacking at home we discovered them. They were neatly tucked away in the little yellow "basket" on the back of Connor's trike. Apparently he was saving them for later. Maybe he noticed a few items that needed cleaning back home...? P.S. Connor still does sippy cup tricks...even in the wilderness when no one is watching.


  1. Love it! Connor is definitely the coolest camper around! Plus, the sippy cup tricks are getting to be pretty amazing, indeed!

  2. You should just cut off the footsies in the PJ's once he outgrows them...really cute.


  3. Connor is going to hold his own in future "chugging" competitions!

    - Paul
