Friday, July 30, 2010

The Summer of the Sandbox

Connor's Dad recently finished the construction of a new outdoor sandbox for Connor, complete with a large umbrella stand and benches. Apparently there is nothing cooler to a two-year-old than a wooden box full of sand. Connor spends every waking moment plotting how he can get right outside. I get numerous requests (before breakfast even!) for "Connor go outside?" Connor has been in the sandbox in his PJ's, while eating a breakfast bar in one hand. In the hot late afternoon/evening, we know that we might as well leave the house, unless we want to sit outside in the sandbox in fever-inducing heat. Connor has even skipped meals to play out there (and let me assure you, this kids does not skip meals often!)
The other day I took Connor to a "kids fair" of sorts. There was music, dancing, and even face painting. The whole time we were out, Connor repeated "Connor go home, play sandbox!" about once every five minutes. Apparently sandbox trumps kids fair. I fear that one morning I will wake up to find Connor with his pillow and blankie curled up in the sandbox. He loves it that much.

1 comment:

  1. Showed Sienna the pics of Connor's TOTALLY AWESOME sand box...she thinks it's pretty cool. Connor's lucky to have a handy dad!
